Ancient Shogun


Ancient Shogun - "A samurai should always be prepared for death - whether his own or someone else's"


Price: 6 Soul Gems
Element: Shadow
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: Legendary


Picture Name Type Cost Effect Quantity
shadow200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Shadow Attack for 200 Damage 3
shadow500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Shadow Attack for 500 Damage 3
shadowdefend.png 500 Defense defend.png 3 Shadow Gain 500 Defense 2
bloodrage.png BloodRage special.png 3 Shadow Attack for 500 Piercing Damage at the cost of 300 health 2
shadowfire.png Shadow Fire special.png 8 Shadow Cast a Shadow Fire Ball for 1000 Damage 1
markofdeath.png Mark of Death special.png 6 Shadow Inflict 900 damage after 2 turns 1
lifedrain.png Life Drain special.png 8 Shadow Hit for 500 points and heal for 400 points 2
voidreflection.png Void Reflection special.png 13 Shadow Defend 1000 Damage and Attack for 1000 1

Evolution Tree

Apprentice: Sword Skeleton
Veteran: Blade Skeleton
Master: Crypt Samurai
Legendary: Ancient Shogun

Thanks to Lord of Pandemonium and The Jop.

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