
Go to Neutral, Fire, Ice, Energy, Chaos, Earth, Water, Light, Shadow, Boss Cards

These are all the cards available in-game, under their respective Element.

Series cards are listed on the Card Customization page.

Picture Name Type Cost Effect
neutral100.png 100 Attack attack.png 1 Neutral Attack for 100 Damage
neutral200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Neutral Attack for 200 Damage
neutral500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Neutral Attack for 500 Damage
neutraldefend.png 500 Defense defend.png 3 Neutral Gain 500 Defense
neutralpierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 2 Neutral Attack for 100 Unblockable Damage
catreflex.png Cat Reflex special.png 5 Neutral Attack for +300 Damage at the start of each Turn for 2 Turns.
corruption.png Corruption special.png 10 Neutral Inflict 2000 Damage Over 4 Turns
counterattack.png Counter Attack special.png 7 Neutral Block for 500 Damage and hit for +500 Damage
deathflow.png Death Flow special.png 15 Neutral Unleash a 5 Hit Combo Attack for 1500 Damage!
ironhide.png Iron Hide special.png 5 Neutral Absorb 1000 Damage for 2 Turns
neutralize.png Neutralize special.png 0 Neutral Discard 3 1 Cards in exchange for 10 Neutral Energy
powerstrike.png Power Strike special.png 7 Neutral Attack for +800 Damage

Picture Name Type Cost Effect
fire100.png 100 Attack attack.png 1 Fire Attack for 100 Damage
fire200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Fire Attack for 200 Damage
fire500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Fire Attack for 500 Damage
firedefend.png 500 Defense defend.png 3 Fire Gain 500 Defense
firepierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 2 Fire Attack for 100 Unblockable Damage
burn.png Burn special.png 3 Fire Burn your enemy for +600 damage over 3 turns
incinerate.png Incinerate special.png 0 2 Fire Discard 1 card to increase 1 Attack Card by +600 Damage
inferno.png Inferno special.png 4 Fire Inflict +300 Unblockable damage
fireball.png Fire Ball special.png 8 Fire Hit for +1000 Damage
FS01-meteorite.png Meteorite special.png 12 Fire Deals 1,500 Normal Damage
FS01-firewhirl.png Flame Whirl special.png 7 Fire Deals 400 Damage every turn for 3 turns


Picture Name Type Cost Effect
ice100.png 100 Attack attack.png 1 Ice Attack for 100 Damage
ice200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Ice Attack for 200 Damage
ice500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Ice Attack for 500 Damage
icedefend.png 500 Defense defend.png 3 Ice Gain 500 Defense
icebash.png Bash attack.png 2 Ice Inflict 300 Damage
icethrash.png Thrash attack.png 4 Ice Inflict 600 Damage
icepierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 2 Ice Attack for 100 Unblockable Damage
iceneedle.png Ice Needle special.png 6 Ice Piercing Attack for 500
iceorb.png Ice Orb special.png 10 Ice Turn Up to 2000 Defense into an Ice Orb Attack
icewall.png Ice Wall special.png 6 Ice You Gain +1000 Defense
freeze.png Freeze special.png 7 Ice Enemy Loses 2 Turns
frostbite.png Frostbite special.png 6 Ice Inflict +800 Damage over 4 Turns
shatter.png Shatter special.png 5 Ice After 4 Turns Cast Spell for +1000 Damage
IS01-snoworb.png Snow Orb special.png 5 Ice Turn Up to 1000 Defense into an Ice Orb Attack

Picture Name Type Cost Effect
energy100.png 100 Attack attack.png 1 Energy Attack for 100 Damage
energy200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Energy Attack for 200 Damage
energy500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Energy Attack for 500 Damage
energydefend.png 500 Defense defend.png 3 Energy Gain 500 Defense
energypierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 2 Energy Attack for 100 Unblockable Damage
charged.png Charged special.png 2 Energy All Attack Cards gain +100 +200 Damage
ES01-chainlightning.png Chain Lightning special.png 13 Energy 3 Lightning Bolts Deal +500 Damage Each
ES01-electricarc.png Electric Arc special.png 4 Energy Deals 200 damage per turn for 6 turns
energize.png Energize special.png 0 Energy Turn any Attack Card into 10 Lightning Energy
storm.png Storm special.png 7 Energy Lightning strikes your Enemy for +500 Damage over 2 Turns
ES01-supercharged.png Super Charged special.png 8 Energy All attack cards gain +500 Damage
surge.png Surge special.png 0 Energy Increase an Attack Card by +300
ES01-tazer.png Tazer special.png 5 Energy Deals 500 Piercing Damage

Picture Name Type Cost Effect
chaos100.png 100 Attack attack.png 1 Chaos 100 Attack
chaos200.png 200 Attack attack.png 3 Chaos 200 Attack
chaos500.png 500 Attack attack.png 3 Chaos 500 Attack
chaosdefend.png 500 Defend defend.png 3 Chaos Gain 500 Defense
chaospierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 1 Chaos 100 Pierce
chaoticflux.png Chaotic Flux special.png 0 Chaos Reduce the cost of any Attack Card to zero when played
chaosplague.png Chaos Plague special.png 6 Chaos Deals 1200 damage over 4 turns
reflection.png Reflection special.png 6 Chaos Reflects 500 damage
chaoticdefense.png Chaotic Defense special.png 6 Chaos Adds +1000 Defense
regen.png Regen special.png 3 8 Chaos Recover 400 Health each turn for 4 turns
pummel.png Pummel special.png 6 Chaos Deals 700 Normal Damage
chaosspikes.png Chaos Spikes special.png 6 Chaos Deals 1,000 Spell Damage

Picture Name Type Cost Effect
earth100.png 100 Attack attack.png 1 Earth Attack for 100 Damage
earth200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Earth Attack for 200 Damage
earth500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Earth Attack for 500 Damage
earthdefend.png 500 Defense defend.png 3 Earth Gain 500 Defense
earthpierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 2 Earth Attack for 100 Unblockable Damage
crush.png Crush special.png 0 Earth Convert up to 800 Defense into a +800 Attack.
mountainstrike.png Mountain Strike special.png 6 Earth After 2 turns you strike for +1000 damage
naturalpoison.png Natural Poison special.png 6 Earth Inflict +1200 Damage over 4 turns
petrify.png Petrify special.png 6 Earth Enemy takes +500 Damage and Loses 1 Turn
stonestrike.png Stone Strike special.png 6 Earth Enemy takes 500 unblockable damage
stonewall.png Stonewall special.png 6 Earth Gain +1000 Defense
ES01-earthquake.png EarthQuake special.png 8 Earth Deal 1200 Damage
ES01-treeoflife.png Tree of Life special.png 4 Earth Converts your Shields into Life
ES01-naturesgift.png Nature's Gift special.png 5 Earth Increase your Max Life by 1,000 for 4 turns

Picture Name Type Cost Effect
water100.png 100 Attack attack.png 1 Water Attack for 100 Damage
water200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Water Attack for 200 Damage
water500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Water Attack for 500 Damage
waterdefend.png 500 Defense defend.png 3 Water Gain 500 Defense
waterpierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 2 Water Attack for 100 Unblockable Damage
freshstart.png Fresh Start special.png 0 Water Discard 2 Cards for 10 Water Energy
powerflow.png Power Flow special.png 13 Water 5 Hit Combo Dealing +1500 Damage
refresh.png Refresh special.png 5 2 Water Add +300 Heal to a Defense Card
renew.png Renew special.png 4 Water Heal for +300 Hitpoints over 2 Turns
waterrapid.png Water Rapid special.png 3 Water Attack for +400 damage
WS01-watercrash.png Water Crash special.png 6 Water 500 Piercing Damage
WS01-healingspring.png Healing Spring special.png 5 Water Recover +400 Hitpoints over 2 Turns

Picture Name Type Cost Effect
light100.png 100 Attack attack.png 1 Light Attack for 100 Damage
light200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Light Attack for 200 Damage
light500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Light Attack for 500 Damage
lightdefend.png 500 Defense defend.png 3 Light Gain 500 Defense
lightpierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 2 Light Attack for 100 Unblockable Damage
blessedstrike.png Blessed Strike special.png 5 Light Add +300 Damage and make an Attack Card Unblockable
greaterheal.png Greater Heal special.png 5 Light After 1 Turn Heal for 1000
heal.png Heal special.png 3 Light Heal for 300 +400
penance.png Penance special.png 3 Light Discard 1 Card to heal for 600 Health
holystrike.png Holy Strike special.png 5 Light Hit for +700 Damage
might.png Might special.png 2 Light Add +300 Damage to a Card
retribution.png Retribution special.png 12 Light After 1 turn Combo Strike for +1500 damage

Picture Name Type Cost Effect
shadow100.png 100 Attack attack.png 1 Shadow Attack for 100 Damage
shadow200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Shadow Attack for 200 Damage
shadow500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Shadow Attack for 500 Damage
shadowdefend.png 500 Defense defend.png 3 Shadow Gain 500 Defense
shadowpierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 2 Shadow Attack for 100 Unblockable Damage
shadowbash.png Bash attack.png 2 Shadow Inflict 300 Damage
empower.png Empower special.png 0 Shadow Discard one Card to raise an Attack Card by +300
lifedrain.png Life Drain special.png 8 Shadow Hit for +500 Damage and gain 300 400 Life
markofdeath.png Mark of Death special.png 6 Shadow After two Turns you Attack for +900 Damage
poison.png Poison special.png 6 Shadow Inflict +1200 Damage over 4 Turns
sacrifice.png Sacrifice special.png 0 Shadow Attack for 500 at the Cost of 400 Health
SS01-bloodrage.png Blood Rage special.png 3 Shadow Attack for 500 Piercing Damage at the Cost of 300 Health
shadowfire.png Shadow Fire special.png 8 Shadow Cast a Shadow Fire Ball for 1000 Damage
shadowthrash.png Thrash attack.png 4 Shadow Inflict 600 Damage
voidreflection.png Void Reflection special.png 13 Shadow Defend 1000 Damage and Attack for 1000

Special Boss-Character Cards


  • These were available for a short period of time for Witchblade Boss and Fiend of Vergill Boss from February 1st to February 4th, 2013.
  • These values were before the x100 health change during the Beta Revolution, when all damage was in single digits.
Name Type Cost Effect
5 Attack   attack.png 1 Neutral   Attack for 5 Damage
8 Attack   attack.png 2 Neutral   Attack for 8 Damage
5 Block defend.png 2 Neutral Gain 5 Defense
5 Unblockable unblock.png 1 Neutral Attack for 5 Unblockable Damage
Corruption special.png 6 Neutral Inflict 20 Damage over 4 Turns
Death Flow special.png 8 Neutral Unleash a 5 Hit Combo Attack For 20 Damage
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