There is a total of 325 characters in OverSoul.
There is a total of 243 Free to Play characters in OverSoul.
There is a total of 325 characters with a neutral alignment in OverSoul.
There is a total of 91 characters in OverSoul that either require Soul Gems to buy or evolve into, or are free-to-play characters that can be bought for Soul Gems to save time.
There is a total of 73 characters in OverSoul that can be bought from shops.

There is a total of 4 Founder characters in OverSoul.
There is a total of 57 characters in OverSoul that cannot be possessed in combat.
There is a total of 61 Apprentice rank characters in OverSoul.
There is a total of 97 Veteran rank characters in OverSoul.
There is a total of 118 Master rank characters in OverSoul.
There is a total of 48 Legendary rank characters in OverSoul.

There is a total of 38 characters with more than one element in OverSoul.