Cyber Void


Cyber Void - "To become a Cyber Void has been my greatest honor. Hail Nulgath!"

Source: Malakai's Shop - Solace
Price: 12 Soul Gems
Element: Shadow
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: Legendary


Picture Name Type Cost Effect Quantity
shadow200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Shadow Attack for 200 Damage 3
shadow500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Shadow Attack for 500 Damage 3
shadowdefend.png 500 Defend defend.png 3 Shadow Gain 500 Defense 2
sacrifice.png Sacrifice special.png 0 Shadow Attack for 500 at the cost of 400 health 2
shadowfire.png Shadow Fire special.png 8 Shadow Cast a Shadow Fireball for 1000 damage 1
energize.png Energize special.png 0 Energy Turn any Attack Card into 10 Lightning Energy 1
surge.png Surge special.png 0 Energy Increase an Attack card by +300 2
ES01-supercharged.png Super Charged special.png 8 Energy All attack cards gain +500 damage 1

Evolution Tree

Legendary: Cyber Void

Thanks to Paradox.

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