

Darkon - "My soul belongs to the Dark Lord, and so does yours…"

Source: Possess Darkon Drago in Labyrinth Dungeon - Map 2
Element: Shadow
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: Master

  • First Character Suggestion, and by DarkonDrago
  • First character to have surrounding "animations"


Picture Name Type Cost Effect Quantity
shadow200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Shadow Attack for 200 Damage 4
shadow500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Shadow Attack for 500 Damage 3
shadowdefend.png 500 Defense defend.png 3 Shadow Gain 500 Defense 2
poison.png Poison special.png 6 Shadow Inflict 1200 damage after 4 turns 2
empower.png Empower special.png 0 Shadow Discard 1 card to raise an attack by 300 2
markofdeath.png Mark of Death special.png 6 Shadow Inflict 900 damage after 2 turns 1
voidreflection.png Void Reflection special.png 13 Shadow Reflects 1000 points of damage back at your enemy 1

Evolution Tree

Master: Darkon
Legendary: Darkon Drago

Thanks to Gate Keeper Sin, ParadoxGamer, TotalAQW and Yoru Si Hitori.

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