Flying Eyeball




Element: Shadow
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: Apprentice


Picture Name Type Cost Effect Quantity
shadow100.png 100 Attack attack.png 1 Shadow 100 Attack 3
shadow200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Shadow 200 Attack 3
shadow500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Shadow 500 Attack 3
shadowpierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 2 Shadow 100 Pierce 2
shadowdefend.png 500 Defend defend.png 3 Shadow 500 Defend 2
markofdeath.png Mark of Death special.png 8 Shadow After 2 Turns you Attack for +900 Damage 1
poison.png Poison special.png 6 Shadow Inflict +1200 Damage over 4 Turns 1

Evolution Tree

Apprentice: Flying Eyeball
Veteran: Infected Eye
Master: Tainted Eye

Thanks to AsukaAE.

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