fresh game fresh wiki.
still unsure how some things will work, so we'll have to think on our feet for a while.
top border is a placeholder i threw together with some images on my pc.
need to try and find a word for NPC that isn't NPC, since that's technically wrong. lol
including HP on character template, we can remove if it doesn't vary.
keeping character and enemy pages together for now. they're going to have a lot of data on there. once we have time to play around with the game and discuss things we might separate them, but personally i'd like them on the same page if we can do it. we're just gonna keep npc's separate.
npcs will have their own pages because it'll get messy if multiple of the same character have different shops/quests/dialogue in different locations, and there would potentially be a ton of dialogue clogging up char pages. just include little "also see" notes where applicable.
included a space for a talent tree section on the char template but have no idea what we're gonna make it look like on the wiki until we see them working in game.
discuss 2 layouts for cards on character pages: collapsibles (like classes on the aqw wiki) or tables. i think tables work nicely ^-^
added the description part because so far the characters have all had them to some extent. we can remove if they're not kept in.
post any suggestions for large or small image tags we need here, if we need em someone will make them, and then i'll add the to the image tags page to make em easy to use.