What are Tags?
Tags are those little red words at the bottom left of a vast amount of the wiki pages.
What do they do?
They categorize pages and associate them to one another, and displays the Tag name on the Tag Cloud.
Tag Cloud?
The Tag Cloud can be seen in the left side bar of the wiki (doesn't it look awesome). These are the most popular / frequently used Tags. A full Tag Cloud can be seen here or by clicking any Tag.
So…. whats the point?
It's best described by example. Lets say you want to see every Zard in the game,
our monsters are all on one big list, you'd have to check them all. Simply click on the "Zard" tag and it will bring back every page we have chosen to label with the word "Zard". Pretty simple, and pretty useful.
Are there any rules to Tags?
As always, follow the general rules of the wiki:
Other than that, here are a few guidelines;
- Any page can have more than one tag.
- All tags must be a single word, or joined with a hyphen. Use a space and it will be considered 2 or more separate tags.
- If you want to use an existing tag, ensure you spell it exactly the same way.
- If you make a new tag category, do it with reason, tags are virtually useless if only one page has the tag.
- If you don't understand a tag, click it and see what other items have the same tag. Please try not to make new tags if a suitable tag exists (eg - don't add "Tux" when we have "Suit") unless you think it is necessary.
- If you make a new tag, post it here so i can add it to the list.
Important Tags
Most tags are important in their way otherwise they wouldn't exist, but there a few special ones that are tied into other functions on the wiki. right now we don't have any
How do I add/remove Tags?
There is a little red button at the bottom of every page, go to that and add / delete the tag you want, and hit save.
The more careful we are with our tags, the better they work. And remember, if only one page exists with a tag, it is virtually useless.
If there is a tag you would like to add, change or remove, please provide the tag name, description of the tag (what the tag is used for), and the reason for the addition/change/removal.
Follows is a list of every tag we are currently using, and a short description of what they mean;
Updated March 7th, 2013
Go to #, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
aethemed - this Character/NPC is themed from AE games (the themed subject must exist in other AE games before it did in OverSoul in order to apply)
apprentice - this is an apprentice/tier 1/1st stage character
aquatic - this is an underwater creature/character
armed - this character/NPC is equipped with a weapon (i.e. swords, staves, spears, etc.)
armored - this character/NPC is equipped with armor
artifact - this is an artifact item
bat - this is a bat type character
beast - this is a character that represents a wild animal
beetle - this is a beetle type character
boss - this is a boss character
chaos - this is a chaos element character
character - this is a character (including ones you can and cannot obtain in battle)
dragon - this is a dragon type character
dungeon - this is a dungeon type location
duplicate - This is a filter tag, for duplicate character pages such as taurus (trained)/taurus (bought) (mainly to help display the correct character count)
earth - this is an earth element character
elemental - this is an elemental type character
energy - this is an energy element character
f2p - this character is obtainable without SG. May need gold.
fairy - this is a fairy based character
female - this is a female gender character
fiend - this a typical fiend typed character
fire - this is a fire element character
founder - this is a founder character
golem - this is a golem type character
holloween - this is released during the Holloween event
human - this is a human character
ice - this is an ice element character
legendary - this is a legendary/tier 4/4th stage character
light - this is a light element character
location - this a location
male - this is a male gender character
master - this is a master/tier 3/3rd stage character
multielement - this character uses multiple elements
neutral - this is a neutral element character
neutralalign - this is a neutral aligned character
need-image - this page needs an image or has an image that needs replacing.
no-possess - Character you can not possess in combat (i.e. black dragon)
npc - this is an NPC (Non playable character)
octoberfest - This is released during the Octoberfest event
ogre - This is an ogre type character
orc - This is an orc type character
parody - this Character/NPC is a spoof of a popular person/theme in the modern world (this excludes obvious mythological parodies, such as dragons)
purchasable - This is purchasable from a shop
quest - This is an quest
questgiver - This is a quest giving NPC
rare - this is rare (not available anymore)
reptile - this is a reptile
seasonal - this is a character that is available during certain holidays/events
sg - this character requires soul gems to obtain
shadow - this is a shadow element character
shop - this is a shop
specialoffer - this is obtainable through a special offer (i.e. sg packages)
staff - a character or NPC based on a member of the OS / AE staff's avatar.
staffbirthday - a character released during an AE Staff member's birthday
starter - this is a character you can select at character creation
suggestion - This is player suggested character
thanksgiving - This is released during the Thanksgiving event
tlapd - This is released during the TLAPD event
undead - This is an undead (i.e. Skeletons, vampires, zombies, ghouls, etc)
unobtainable - Characters that cannot be controlled in any way (i.e. Treasure Chest Trap)
valentinesday - This is released during the Valentine's Day event
veteran - this is a veteran/tier 2/2nd stage character
vendor - This is an NPC who sells things
water - this is a water element character
xmas - This is released during the Christmas event
zard - this is a zard based character