(Note: If you see any mistakes with this post (such as broken links and images, missing pages, etc.), feel free to PM rickyb20 or mturf and we'll fix it. Thanks!)
Welcome to the Oversoul Wiki. This is a handy guide for new and old wiki users alike. We're glad to help anyone who wants to help but doesn't know how to do what's needed.
A list of Admins, Mods, and a full list of members can be found here
Please feel free to post any question in this thread and someone will answer you ASAP (old questions may be deleted once answered), or alternatively you may pm mturf with any issue you don't want to post here.
- Please read the rules before posting anywhere on the wiki.
- We record what is currently in game, don't add any characters, etc. that aren't yet in the game.
- Do not remove thanks. If you believe thanks have been wrongly accredited please PM me or hina about the matter.
- Don't add rare until an item has left the game, even if you know its going to be gone soon.
- Spend a moment to familiarize yourself with the commands within the edit window.
- Please use internal wiki link whenever possible. Internal wiki links are set using -
[[[page name you wish to link to]]]
[[[page name you wish to link to | name to be displayed in the link]]]
- Recent changes can be viewed via a link in the side panel. You may wish to filter your results.
- At the base of the page is an "options" button, some useful tools live here.
- When you edit a page, leave a note to say what you did to help other users & mods.
- If someone edits a page and does not leave a note, use the history tool to try and find out what they did and why before you take any action.
- If your entries are frequently being corrected by other users/mods, try to find out what you're doing wrong, it'll help everyone. ^-^
- If you find a spelling mistake on an character description/skill description etc., check it in game before amending. if there's a typo in game then sadly, we should have a typo here on the wiki.
- Notes and other additional information should be located the line below "Description".
- Try and edit with as few edits as possible, do not use the "save and continue" button.
- Do not break the page lock of any other user unless it has gone below 0 seconds on the timer. The wiki is not a race, it is preferred for users to take their time and get all the info necessary in one go. If your page lock is frequently broken by a specific user PM a complaint to mturf.
- When a page has multiple entries under one category, such as location or notes, please use bullet points.
- If someone has made a change to a page that is totally wrong, and it needs to just go back to the way it was, please try to use the revert tool. It is a much cleaner way of fixing things when it is appropriate.
To set parent page, use options, parent, and enter the page you wish this page to be a sub category of. Here's an example of parenting. Notice how there's a box that appears once you start typing. Only shows if there's an existing page that matches what you type). You can only parent to pages that currently exist. Try to follow the same parent path as other pages in said category. Here is a guideline;
Artifacts » Artifact
Characters » Character
Locations » Location
FAQ - http://oversoulgame.wikidot.com/forum/t-564422/tags
Every page can be tagged by multiple reference words, this can be done by using the tag command at the bottom of a page. It is a way to categorize pages. All tags must be a single word, separate them in any manner and it will be considered as multiple separate tags. If you want to tag a page into an existing tag category ensure you spell it the same way (eg, character is a different tag to charcters). If you want to make a new tag category, suggest it in the tag discussion thread linked above, tags are virtually useless if only one page has the tag. If you don't understand a tag, click it and see what other items have the same tag.
Do not just add tags for the hell of it, and if you add an existing tag be sure it fits the criteria for that tag (look at the other pages with it, and refer to the master list on the forum). The more careful we are with our tags, the better they work.
Image Tags
We have a new, far easier way to deal with those pesky image tags. At the top of all templates, you should find the following;
[[include image-tags]]
What does it do? Well it automatically adds every image tag to every page. However, they will only show up when the page is tagged with the appropriate tag (see above topic for more about tags), such as character and male/female. So now, if you make a page for a weapon and need to add that crucial shadow image tag, there's no need to search the wiki for a link to the image, all you need do is complete your entry, and tag the page with "shadow" and voila, it appears like magic ^-^
However I do still lose some things every time I need them, so here they are;
Large Chaos[[image image-tags/chaos.png]]
[[image image-tags/earth.png]]
[[image image-tags/energy.png]]
[[image image-tags/fire.png]]
[[image image-tags/ice.png]]
[[image image-tags/light.png]]
[[image image-tags/neutral.png]]
[[image image-tags/rarelargecrop.png]]
(rarelarge is a version of this tag with lots of blank space to match up with the elements. in most cases the cropped version will make more sense for manual use)Large Shadow
[[image image-tags/shadow.png]]
[[image image-tags/sglarge.png]]
[[image image-tags/water.png]]
[[image image-tags/raresmall.png]]
Small Table Icons
- Attack
[[image image-tags/attack.png]]
- Defend
[[image image-tags/Helmet_table.png]]
- Special
[[image image-tags/special.png]]
- Unblock
[[image image-tags/unblock.png]]
(Currently, we do not have small image tags for each element, but don't fret! They will be coming soon!)
You can find a more detailed guide here: http://oversoulgame.wikidot.com/forum/t-566824/image-guidelines
- General
- Images saved as .png are best
- Always set your game graphics to high
- Simpler backgrounds are better but not essential
- Try to crop well: (old aq examples) uncropped, poorly cropped, cropped, ideal
- Do NOT edit any of your screenshots for the pedia. Only crop. If you did something wrong take the screenshot again
- This is not a competition, only replace a screenshot if necessary (and say why in your edit comments)
- Character
- Currently it's difficult to get larger images of characters, just do your best. I've found the best screenshots can be got at the beginning of combat (including the speech bubble looks good)
- Please do not enlarge images yourself, the picture loses quality
- Cropped character preview images from Nulgath (via twitter or the oversoul homepage) can be used if they're better than what can be got normally, but only when the character is available in game
- Locations
- Take multiple screenshots to cover the entire image, use common sense and try not to leave gaps or overlaps
- For side scrolling locations (such as Sleepy Wolf) label screenshots numerically from left to right
- For maps (such as world map) use compass points
- If you want to combine images and make a full size map/location image that's fine, simply add it's own tab entitled full view
Adding Thanks
"Thanks" are what you see at the bottom of many wiki pages. They are our way to say thank you to the people who have helped us get the info on that page, and make our wiki work. There is a fine line between getting credit where deserved, and upsetting other users for taking credit for a very minimal effort. So please keep that in mind when adding thanks, and follow these guidelines;
You may add thanks if you add correct information that wasn't there before.
That can be new locations, images, large image tags, total description changes, and others. Basically if there is valid info about the subject (of the types we record) that previously wasn't on the page, you may add credit for adding that.
Please don't add thanks for fixing typos, grammar, fixing links/wiki code, and other small corrections.
If you're adding credit for a third party (they gave you the info, you took a screenshot of them, etc), please say so in the comments so it doesn't look like the name came from no-where. DO NOT add names for others that have previously edited the page but haven't added their name. It is not your responsibility and will be considered a pointless edit and be removed, regardless of the reason.
If you copy a wiki page and use information someone else submitted, copy the thanks from that page along with it.
Please do not go back to pages you edited in the past to add thanks after the fact. Please do it there and then when you add the information. If you do, it will be removed. This also applies to adding names for others.
DO NOT remove thanks for others. Unless it is clear that someone added their name and nothing else, or their name and incorrect information, don't remove it. Unduly removing thanks frequently is a reportable offense and may get you cautioned or potentially banned from the wiki. If you feel an individual has added thanks to a page they have not contributed new info to then please pm mturf and he will deal with the matter.
This applies only to editing pages, not adding tags or parent pages. For those, you do not add thanks.
Here are the rules for adding thanks in more detail.
Format taken from the AQW Wiki!