The way the World Map page is setup, it'll end up being an extended character page with the Encounters field. So this thread is to list ideas that we can use to improve the usage of the page.
What I'm thinking is adding "Location" pages, for the major character farming areas (giving the Locations page some meaning).
Also, it'd be nice if we could add links to certain sections of the map to link to said location pages.
Examples of pages to create:
Caves - covers both the north and south caves on the world map
Lake - Northwest lake, beside the castle. May also include the other pockets of water around the map, if they're the same.
Woodland Clearing(?) - the clear spot within a forest down south (you know, the one everyone knows? :P)
Castle - covers both northern castles, mainly the eastern one, since the western one seems like it shares the Lake's character spawns.
Graveyard - covers the graveyards around the map
Horcfort(?) - SE fort
Undead Castle(?) - SW Castle.
Stone Slabs(?) - title says it all
Mountain - Center Mountain
Tree(?) - Tree with lights to the East.
These titles can totally be changed. I'm just basing them off what they look like, or what I know. Also, they may or may not be made/needed, depending on whether or not they have anything unique spawning there.
Anyway, each page would contain a picture (or pictures, if more than one exists, i.e. cave) of said location(s), where they are on the map, and what spawns there…and maybe other things I can't think of at the moment. The idea is to not clutter the World Map page with an infinitely expanding list of characters (like adding screenshots to the Battleon page on the AQWwiki for every little change….>.>). The world map page could also be a hub page linking to each one.
That's my idea. If anyone has ideas on ways to improve the page, do share!