Location corrections or questions should go here.
Okay here's a question to discuss,
I took background pictures of the nightmare and undead dungeon with the glitched boss characters, does this mean that these pictures need to be removed or changed to images with Unglitched characters or is it okay to kelp those? After all the main content is the background, what do you guys think?
they're not really a glitch, yes they were a mistake, but they were live in the game for a whole weekend. as far as i know there is nothing visually wrong with them, or different to the normal versions. for all anyone knows you could have tamed them and got the normal versions. so as far as i'm concerned no, there's nothing wrong with the images.

I would say wait until we see if Nulgath fixes it or something… I don't think Solace is supposed to be like that, there was no official announcement or anything either. And I don't think you're supposed to go to Hork Fort every time you duel something in Solace.
Atra du garjzla ignasia! Sé onr sverdar sitja hvass!
(Let the light shine! May your swords stay sharp!)
I saw the location of Mountain Base Mountains was the same with just a different place the world with the east, if we have to remove one page and add the Access Points ?
Aw Hi !
Uhh but the background is the same, probably in an update a few weeks ago?
forgot to tell heheh, I'm busy :p
Aw Hi !
Ahh I forgot to ask one thing, that is if we need to replace all of the images on the site such as solace / Exact loaction?
Aw Hi !
Why should we replace the images at Solace?!
uhh forgot to explain sorry, because there's a major update
Aw Hi !
Well yes if there's any difference in the location look then it should be updated in Solace but they don't replace the old ones, old ones will stay
South Map "encounters" list does not contain the new "Weteye" character's location.
The wiki anyway lacks the list of all possible locations, and list of each possible encounter at each location. For example the supposed encounter-location for Revonthurkey (World Map T2) currently seems exclusively presenting Young Paladin. Or the location for Thrak mostly contains Orc Warrior mentioned nowhere, and is no place to mention currently on the wiki.
labyrinth-maps should have their platforms numbered, and the characters found in them be marked according to that, because not on all platforms can each labyrinth-residents found, only on specific ones, according to personal experience. Examples of this are: Darkon, Sword Skeleton, Undead Knight.
All Monsters can be found on all Labyrinth Dungeon Layers, I added weteye to the south map page, you can't add tags to the sort-by-element page based on the wiki automatically does it, if you deeply want the tags to be on it, you might have to ask Hina if it should be done by hand and tags should be added. (I wouldn't mind doing it), Orc Axeman can be found in pve for what I know, yes it can be caught by defeating thrak at the location given but it should also be in pve, weteye I thought by putting an exact location collapsible people would understand it would be on the lake…And I dont think there is a list by element unless you mean the sort by element. Go ahead and PM
Hina if you think thats a good idea to put tags next to the sort by elements.
Keep moving forward. Yeah I do stuff… sometimes.
If you have anything else you would like to see fixed or you have noticed that needs to be fixed, Feel free to tell me and I will get right on it!
Keep moving forward. Yeah I do stuff… sometimes.