Hey guys, since activity has grown, we've decided to add the helper system to the Oversoul wiki, just like on the AQWwiki.
Before I move on, here are a few general things to note:
- You do not have to be part of the team to help out. As this is a wiki, editing (most) pages is open to all. This is for those who have been around for a while, helped out a lot and want to be part of the team that manages the entire wiki.
- If you're new to the wiki, don't post here. You'll need to familiarize yourself with the wiki and our ways of doing things before we can consider adding you. We judge by the quality of your posts/edits, your behaviour and of course how active you are (which can be judged/influenced by the karma system).
- Signing up here does NOT mean you're instantly a Helper. We'll be looking at your history and ongoing activity to see if you've proven to be helpful. If you qualify, we'll add you to the Helpers List, and send you a PM to notify you. If not, your post will be deleted without notification, in which case you can try again in the future after helping out for a while. Excessively posting here while doing little to nothing will not do you any good, and may get you removed from the wiki if it becomes a problem.
- Having a title does not make you better than others. All rules must still be followed.
- The wiki is separate from the forums. Being a wiki mod does not get you any powers on the AEForums or in OverSoul.
- If you ask to be promoted, you will not be. Ever. We will promote who we see fit. If you ask, it tells us that you're in it for the title/power, and nothing more.
- Activity is important. If you're a helper, and you're inactive, you'll likely be removed. So post if you're active, don't otherwise. If you have been removed and would like to be a helper again, you will have to repeat the process again, as we won't know if you'll actually be active again or not.
Here's what most of you would probably be interested in knowing. Much like the AEF, we'll have a few levels of users above the regular wiki members: helpers and mods. We will ask you if you want to be promoted above helper as we wouldn't want to give you more work and find that you don't have the time for it.
Here's the list of user levels that we plan to have. Click on the links below for more information on each.
The names and responsibilities may change, but that's essentially the structure we're planning to have. The list above is the minimum level of work we're expecting of you, but again, they may change. As this is a wiki, you are welcome to do more than what you've been assigned (it may even get you promoted faster, depending on the quality of your edits). You will be required to know about, and keep up to date with, the wiki rules, guidelines, and the general way the wiki works…well, everyone should be.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to PM me, AsukaAE or
GuardMice (or any mod who wishes to add their name here).
Otherwise, feel free to post here if you're interested.
The list of helpers will be shown on the Site Members list, linked on the side bar under "Tools".
Here's the form you should use. Copy/paste it into your post and fill it out (you can remove the parts in brackets).
**Wiki Name:**
**OS Username:** (for in-game assistance if needed)
**Page(s) you'd like to work on:** (i.e. Characters, quests, locations, etc. Don't just say "anything". Need specifics.)
**How active you can be:** (everyday?, every week?, a few hours a day?, etc.)
Please remember when applying for helper to have these read over these wanted steps!
- a) Be experienced with at least the rules and the basics of the wiki (the Wiki Rules and Resources covers all of this and more).
- b) Have high karma (
) or above.
- c) Be constantly active on the wiki in general (I consider posting/editing at least 2-3 times a week active).
- d) Be in constant communication with the wiki staff (such as taking advice from the wiki staff).
- e) Have a positive attitude.
Credit to the AQW Wiki