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Snow ninja needs a new full character image. (Sword covered by text)
Shadow Priest also needs a new full char image (again, weapon covered by text)
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Snow ninja needs a new full character image. (Sword covered by text)
Shadow Priest also needs a new full char image (again, weapon covered by text)
AQW - Hina, HS - Raiken, OS - Hina
AQWwiki - HSwiki - OSwiki
Twitterific Twig
Do what you love, love what you do
what about Shadow Acolyte ? the weapon covered by text hmmm its my bad sorry i will change it
the screenshots with quotes aren't aaaaaall bad, it depends on what pose the character is in, and wether the bubble, their pose (such as an arm or weapon), is obstructing you from seeing as much as the character as we can.
it also seems people are cropping really tight. that's fine, just be careful. it's better to have a few pixels outside the character than it is to have the cropping clip their clothing or similar.
Yea, most character images are fine with the text bubble, it's just characters that are really big or have big weapons that are troublesome and probably would require an image without the text, assuming it covers any part of the character. ~Hina
Can someone add on the Founder Vet's Source at what level does Founder Adept evolve into Founder Vet?
Also shouldn't the Fact that you get Founder Adept by Purchasing any Soul Gem pack be kept on the Source of Founder Adept not on the notes? What do you guys think?
I was wondering about if the Note on Felinx's page should be the Source because it's telling you how to get it? It's the same dilemma as the Founder Characters page.
Keep moving forward. Yeah I do stuff… sometimes.
Keep moving forward. Yeah I do stuff… sometimes.
We actually decided to use the name on the card of the character that's why, but you can report this bug and then they can fix it and avoid confusion. :)
I would like to vote for Shadow Pikeman to be re-named to Shadow Pikeman (Veteran) and Shadow Pikeman Commander to Shadow Pikeman (Master) like the starter chars are because in-game they're both called Shadow Pikeman.
Keep moving forward. Yeah I do stuff… sometimes.
More "to add" things:
- Peasant to World Map encounters (as always, the character page contains the info, but the location's page don't. I just compare the pages of the wiki as originally should have done!)
- Pikeman to "World Map" and "Lake" locations should be merged (and probably Lake should be a link, not just a word)
- Pikeman to Solace encounters
- Recruit's "Lake" location-note should be a link
- Rex Warrior Veteran and Master to be added to Cave encounter list
- Squire to World Map encounters
- Squire'§s page says South map H2, while South Map list it as "anywhere on map". This should be corrected.
- Sword Matron to Solace encounter list
- Sword Matron o World Map encounters
- to Thrak both on character page and West Map the specific grid should be mentioned
- Trainee to South Map encounters
- Fire Witch to World Map encounters
- at Barbarian the "Random PvE Battle" means "at any location", or "Solace PvE"?
- at Barbarian for North Map says "anywhere", while the North Map page's says "Snowy Forest". This is a contradiction.
- at Barbarian Veteran the "Random PvE Battle" means "at any location", or "Solace PvE"?
- Barbarian Veteran to be added to World Map encounters
- Barbarian Veteran to be added to North Map
- Cosoma to be added to North Map, or North Map and Snowy Forest notes should be merged
- Frost Lion on North Map should be mentioned "at Gate" too.
- Frost Void DOES appear in the game
- Frost Zard to be added to North Map encounters
- Ice Apprentice to be added to World Map's list
- Ice Beetle to be added to North Map, or North Map and Ice Patch location notes should be merged (and at Ice Patch page it should be told, where is the Ice Patch now)
- at Ice Nomad the "Lake" should be a link
- at Ice Nomad the sub-locations should be marked as such and not same-ranked as World Map
- Lei Blades to be added to World Map's encounters
- Lei crossbow to be added to World Map encounters
- at Lei Crossbow the "Grid O2" note should be made an "Exact Location" spoiler
- at Lightning Wolf the "Random PvE Battle" means "at any location", or "Solace PvE"?
- Lightning Wolf to be added to World Map encounters
(the remaining 4 elements will be compared later)
Pretty sure I added em' all just now, But about the Snow Patch, If you would please go ahead and check it's battle backgrounds,(Snow Patch) Its the same as any random encounter you would get in north map, So im pretty sure Snow patch IS North Map, Based on when they made snow patch there wasn't north map.
Keep moving forward. Yeah I do stuff… sometimes.
i don't mess with backgrounds.
Also: I nowhere said "snow patch". It is ICE PATCH what has trouble (i assume that's in question). The page don't let me link here, so up to you to look it up.
Ice Patch is what I mean, Ice Patch, Just re-read what I said about Snow Patch because I meant to say Ice Patch. My bad.
Keep moving forward. Yeah I do stuff… sometimes.
His issue is that on the Ice Patch page, there's no new map view of where the ice patch currently exists. All it says is that it's been moved to the North Map, with no specified location.
AQW - Hina, HS - Raiken, OS - Hina
AQWwiki - HSwiki - OSwiki
Twitterific Twig
Do what you love, love what you do
What should be put? Because there isn't a designated area for Ice Patch, It's been basically turned into North Map. Because there was no North Map it came out and when north map did come out, thats when it was re-located.
Keep moving forward. Yeah I do stuff… sometimes.
- Earth Fairy to add to World Map encounters (Grid B2)
- Earth Wizard to add to Cave encounters
- Hammer Nomad to add to West Map encounters
- Hammer Nomad's Exact Location should be turned an in-wiki spoiler instead an outside link if possible
- Ogre Trapper to add to Mountain Base encounters
- Katana Zon DOES appear in the game (for example where Weteye supposed to be, what after 5 days - weekend days counts twice - still not show up)
- Revonthurkey still has the contradiction being rare or not between the alphabetical list, and the character's page (and at its supposed location young paladins appear at the ratio - if not exclusively - like Orc Warriors at Thrak's location)
- Water Apprentice to add to World Map encounters
- at Water Fairy it says Sout Map in general, but on South Map it says South Map lake. Dunno if this has to ba touched.
- Water Peasant to add to World Map encounters
- at Water Peasant the "Grid T2" link should be transformed into Exact Location spoiler
- Water Peasant also shows up nice and often where Weteye is supposed to be
- Father Time to add to North Map encounters
- Light Fairy to add to World Map/Boulder Grid A5 encounters
- Light Guardian to add to South Map encounters
- Paladin to add to World Map encounters
- Sentry Lord also appears in Solace PvE (at least it did last week)
- Young Paladin also has "Random PvE battle". If this means "anywhere, it's right, if it ment Solace PvE, please update.
- Young Paladin to add to World Map encounters
(shadow creatures remain after work)
NOTE: as a player I'd prefer if the characters would be called on the wiki as they are shown on the character list-inventory ingame, because that is what can be seen without clicking on all 100+ characters each. I say this despite some names (like Victor) covers more then one character. But this is personal social problem I know.