I'm having trouble viewing images that were posted on imageshack.com and linked to from pages. I only see the names of the images instead of the pictures itself on Taurus (Bought) and Minotaur, for example. Necrosis' page also had that problem for a day. I wanted to ask if anyone else has this problem and if we should do something about it, like finding a different site to link from. If not, this was just a way to say that some pages need new images.
Yes, without a doubt that problem has happened, sometimes the image will show as text for a day and go back to being an image, therefore I recommend we change all the imageshack photos to preferably imgur, since they aren't known for problems… We can either do it overtime as in if you're editing a page and you see it and don't mind changing it, or if you want to change them all, Jop, that would be fine aswell
Keep moving forward. Yeah I do stuff… sometimes.
I'll get pictures for the free characters that I have access to. I'll use imgur or tinypic since I've never had problem with either one; probably imgur since I got your recommendation for it. Thanks for the prompt reply.
Fotos-hochladen.net also doesn't appear to work properly. I'll tag everything with images from it and/or imageshack with need-image and start replacing the ones I can.
I hope you realize you can download the image and re-upload it to a stable site, lol
Adding the need-image tag to every character almost was uncalled for and unnecessary.
Please remove the tag from all characters that have working images, as need-image is only used for pages with broken images. And please refrain from using any site other than imgur, as tinypic images break aswell.
Keep moving forward. Yeah I do stuff… sometimes.
Tinypic has never broken for me, but you could have mentioned that when I said "I'll use imgur or tinypic since I've never had problem with either one." I just went through all 220 characters, some multiple times. I don't see why I would remove the tags since the images have to be replaced, whether or not you want to re-upload them. If I remove them we won't know which pages have images from sites that could break; I don't see your logic in that at all. The point of the need-image tag is to let people know which pages need new images, and ones with images that could break need new ones.
I said preferably imgur, so I kindve assumed you would use imgur. TinyPic has broken on multiple occasions on the AQWwiki, it doesn't always happen but when it does it breaks them all over the place, and I would like to prevent that. The definition of the need-image tag refers to an image that's broken, so if they're not broken they should not have the tag. This is a small editting "community" so having the tag for such small reason is ultimately useless as its mainly 3 people editing.
Keep moving forward. Yeah I do stuff… sometimes.