Founder Champion


Founder of OverSoul - "For Honor, I Preserve the Realm of Oversoul!"

Source: Evolve Founder Knight at Level 20.
Element: Light
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: Legendary
Note: Must have purchased any Soul Gems on or before January 13th, 2013 to earn and get Founder Status and Founder Characters.


Picture Name Type Cost Effect Quantity
light200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Light Attack for 200 Damage 2
light500.png 500 Attack attack.png 4 Light Attack for 500 Damage 2
lightdefend.png 500 Defend defend.png 2 Light Gain 500 Defense 2
retribution.png Retribution special.png 12 Light After 1 turn, combo strike for 1500 damage 1
greaterheal.png Greater Heal special.png 5 Light Heal for 1000 after 1 turn 2
heal.png Heal special.png 3 Light Heal for 400 2
might.png Might special.png 2 Light Add 300 damage to a card 2
holystrike.png Holy Strike special.png 5 Light Attack for 700 damage 3
blessedstrike.png Blessed Strike special.png 5 Light Adds 300 damage to a card and makes it unblockable 1

Evolution Tree

Apprentice: Founder Adept
Veteran: Founder Vet
Master: Founder Knight
Legendary: Founder Champion

Thanks to Gate Keeper Sin, Ser Xander, shadownigh, TheAmazingAsuka and Vagaran.

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