Ice Series 1


Ice Series 1

Dates Available:

  • May 3rd, 2013 to June 14th, 2013
  • October 18th, 2013 to October 31st, 2013
  • December 13th, 2013 to December 26th, 2013
  • February 14th, 2014 to March 7th, 2014
  • May 2nd, 2014 to May 16th, 2014
  • July 11th, 2014 to July 25th, 2014
  • September 26th, 2014 to October 10th, 2014
  • November 21st, 2014 to December 5th, 2014
  • January 16th, 2015 to January 30th, 2015
  • March 27th, 2015 to Present

New Cards: Ice Needle and Snow Orb

  • 4 Soul Gems
  • 15,000 Gold

Note: These cards are given ratings from 1-5 stars to signify Rarity.

The Cards in Ice Series 1 are:

Picture Name Type Cost Effect Rarity
IS01-ice101.png 101 Attack attack.png 1 Ice Attack for 101 Attack 1
IS01-ice204.png 204 Attack attack.png 2 Ice Attack for 204 Attack 2
IS01-ice515.png 515 Attack attack.png 4 Ice Attack for 515 Attack 3
IS01-ice525.png 525 Attack attack.png 4 Ice Attack for 525 Attack 5
IS01-icepierce.png 101 Pierce unblock.png 2 Ice Attack for 101 Unblockable Damage 1
IS01-icedefend.png 515 Defense defend.png 3 Ice Gain 515 Defense 3
IS01-icewall.png Ice Wall special.png 6 Ice You gain +1040 Defense 4
IS01-shatter.png Shatter special.png 5 Ice After 4 turns Cast Spell for +1050 Damage 5
IS01-iceorb.png Ice Orb special.png 10 Ice Turn up to 2000 Defense into an Ice Orb attack 5
IS01-frostbite.png Frostbite special.png 6 Ice Inflict +832 Damage over 4 Turns 4
IS01-iceneedle.png Ice Needle special.png 6 Ice Piercing Attack of 500 Damage 4
IS01-snoworb.png Snow Orb special.png 5 Ice Turn up to 1000 Defense into an Ice Orb Attack 5
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