Snow Ninja


Ninja - "…"

Source: North Map - Snowy Forest (Grid E7)
Element: Ice
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: Veteran
Note: Also see Ninja.


Pictures Name Type Cost Effect Quantity
ice100.png 100 Attack attack.png 1 Ice Attack for 100 Damage 1
ice200.png 200 Attack attack.png 2 Ice Attack for 200 Damage 3
ice500.png 500 Attack attack.png 5 Ice Attack for 500 Damage 3
icepierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 2 Ice Attack for 100 Unblockable Damage 1
icedefend.png 500 Defend defend.png 3 Ice Gain 500 Defense 2
freeze.png Freeze special.png 7 Ice Enemy loses 2 turns 1
icewall.png Ice Wall special.png 6 Ice You gain +1000 Defense 2
shatter.png Shatter special.png 5 Ice After 4 turns cast spell for 1000 Damage 2

Evolution Tree

Veteran: Snow Ninja

Thanks to Aureola and TheAmazingAsuka.

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