Water Peasant


Water Peasant - "I will learn the power of water!I'm tired of being afraid.I must fight."


Element: Water
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: Apprentice


Pictures Name Type Cost Effect Quantity
water100.png 100 attack attack.png 1 Water Attack for 100 Damage 3 2
water200.png 200 attack attack.png 2 Water Attack for 200 Damage 3 2
water500.png 500 attack attack.png 4 Water Attack for 500 Damage 3 2
waterdefend.png 500 Defend defend.png 3 Water Gain 500 Defense 4 2
waterpierce.png 100 Pierce unblock.png 2 Water Attack for 100 Unblockable Damage 3 2
waterrapid.png Water Rapid special.png 3 Water Attack for +400 damage 2
renew.png Renew special.png 4 Water Heal +300 hitpoints for 2 turns 1 2

Evolution Tree

Apprentice: Water Peasant
Veteran: Water Apprentice
Master: Katana Zon

Thanks to AsukaAQW, Jericho Domantay AE, Sasuke_kool1 and Zayrus.

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