Young Paladin
Kira - "Don't underestimate me. One day I'll be a master!"
- Character Creation
- Solace - PvE
- Sleepy Wolf Inn - PvE
- Castle
- Cave Entrance
- Cliffs
- Dirt Road
- Eastern Town
- Forest
- Forest Edge
- Rock Clearing
- Southern Lake
- Mountain Base
- Mountains
Element: Light
Alignment: Neutral
Rank: Apprentice
Bio: Kira is a young knight who has set out into the world to prove his strength to his kingdom. His lack of experience is balanced by his raw power and heart.
Evolution Tree
Apprentice: Young Paladin
Veteran: Paladin
Master: Paladin (Master)
Thanks to mturf, Prime and Zayrus.
page revision: 48, last edited: 15 Mar 2015 20:55